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‘Soothe Me’ Clay-Dough


Half day (9-12noon) x 6 weeks  = 4 Classes

Full day (9-3pm) x 6 weeks = 7 Classes

In our ever growing technology driven, and parental over protective world, children are increasingly lacking opportunities in experiencing the ‘real world’ and all the benefits that can bring.  Latest research shows more and more children and young people are experiencing anxiety, stress and depression as a result.

Ongoing anxiety can negatively impact a child or young persons emotional well-being, their self-esteem, confidence, resilience, ability to retain new information ie. learning, their social development and so on.

What is the difference in ‘Soothe Me’ Clay-Dough and just playing with clay or play-dough? 

‘Soothe Me’ Clay-Dough is a 6 week Therapeutic Programme which has been specifically designed by a highly experienced accredited Play Therapist.  Its many benefits include:

  • Clay and dough can be very soothing to the psyche and creates a feeling of calm, 

  • Fosters imagination and creativity, 

  • Provides sensory processing and tactile experiences,

  • Enables children and young people to help soothe, relax and self-regulate, 

  • Helps restore, heal and maintain emotional well being,

  • Helps enable children and young peoples reach their full potential,

  • Each child can experience an assortment of soothing therapeutic clay and doughs giving them a perfect mix of both mind and body relaxation,

  • Fun and enjoyable

  • A cost effective intervention which allows for whole class/school participation

  • Can be used for specific groups such as children who have suffered Loss etc

  • Can enhance self-esteem since no specific prior skills or knowledge are needed - it is rare that a client experiences failure in being able to work with the medium. 

  • Facilitating catharsis – a purposeful releasing of feelings

  • Each class is given 30 minutes  

  • Therapist provides all resources required and will set up/tidy up meaning no additional workload for staff

The Science Behind it…

  • Clay and Dough enables communication when problems are hard to put into words. This makes it a universal language for fostering emotional intelligence and can be an outlet for expression - making possible an entire non-verbal language or communication for the creator, through which his or her mental realm, emotional life, and primary object relations can be expressed facilitating rich and deep expression of emotions

  • This touching of earth in the form of clay frequently initiates right and left brain communication whereby forgotten ideas and buried experiences and memories are activated bringing them more into consciousness.

  • Facilitates verbal communication - Unidentified and unexpressed feelings and emotions become visible through physical manipulation of clay. It is potentially both powerful and profound because worries that previously have caused inner concern or turmoil are given shape and form in the outer world. When problems can be seen it is easier to share difficulties by talking them through.

  • Enables the child to encounter the constructive and destructive aspects of the self, in processes of psychic change and identity formation, or in becoming himself/herself, widens access to their inner selves and thus continue their journey of becoming and exploring the self

  • Can create positive change in a child - transforming the product into different forms, simply by lightly touching the lump of clay, the client leaves the imprint of his or her fingers on it and thus becomes absorbed in his or her ability to transform, in the impact of his or her existence and presence on the here and now.

Bookings are on a half day (4 classes) /full day (7 classes) basis or can be made for full term/year depending on avilability.

Cost: £120 per ½ day (9-12noon)                    

£220 per full day (9-3pm) 

*It is anticipated that availability will fill up fast and places are on a first come first serve basis.  Waiting lists will be established.

Led by Lisa Mc Manus, Accredited Play Therapist, Filial Play Parent Coach and Clinical Director of Shine Play Therapy.