For A Private Consultation Call

‘Presence…not Presents’

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Max. no. of Participants: 15 families

Time: 1.5 hrs

Nowadays both children and their parents seem to have almost constantly full schedules –between school, different activities and clubs there isn’t much time for anything else.  This can be costly, time consuming and week after week, can be exhausting both physically and mentally for the whole family.  In addition, parenting has changed in recent years, we as parents seemed to have steered away from traditional ‘family time’. 

We also want to be ‘liked’ by our children and therefore tend to not give them responsibilities in things such as household chores anymore which can inhibit their independency, we have difficulty setting effective boundaries which can negatively affect how children behave and feel, and we buy them expensive toys, games and technology devices which can restrict their imagination and add to family ‘divisions’. Research shows when children are given time to be ‘bored’ it improves their imagination, creativity, self-awareness and problem solving skills and resilience to name a few.

This fun and interactive workshop for parents, adoptive parents, foster parents grandparents, or other carers and their children aims to:

  • Improve / Establish / Maintain a rewarding relationship with your child/teen

  • Foster Imagination

  • Build resilience and problem-solving skills of your child

  •  Give you creative thinking skills you can use to play with your child anywhere, anytime, any place

  • Save you money

The workshop consists of:

  • You and your child working collaboratively using your imagination and creativity to design and create toys/games using no resources, items found around the home and low-cost materials.

  • The Accredited Play Therapist demonstrates to you how to play in a non-directive manner with your child.  This type of child-centred play on a regular basis, is an essential role in providing you the opportunity to help alleviate social, emotional and behaviour difficulties your children/teen may display. 

  • You are given the opportunity to practice the non-directive play technique by playing with your child and their new creations

  • Children can take creations home!

 As you are in a group environment, you benefit from learning as others share their ideas helping you feel supported and inspired in the shared group experience.

Led by Lisa Mc Manus, Accredited Play Therapist, Filial Play Parent Coach and Clinical Director of Shine Play Therapy.